With students returning to school, tensions are high, and safety is paramount. There is no doubt that COVID-19 is on the hearts and minds of many, but has technology improved on the physical security side to make an impact? This article will answer these questions & more, in a world in need of hope and peace.

Over the last 20 years, school security consisted of cameras, a school resource officer, and more recently – identification-based access control. In March 2020, Alyssa’s Law passed, which requires all public schools in the great state of Florida to install a silent alarm that directly connects to local law enforcement. This is a step in the right direction, but is it enough?

Some would say yes, but a company out of Atlanta Georgia – Centegix -would say no. Centegix has designed and successfully deployed a new technology called CrisisAlert in over 1,000 schools. What is CrisisAlert? Great question!

According to Centegix.com, CrisisAlert is an Internet of Things (IoT) solution powered by a private network and an enterprise SaaS. Users can instantly activate an alert via the CrisisAlert Badge. Administrators can manage and monitor an incident in real-time, or implement a lockdown through the application.

Let me break it down to you in plain English – CrisisAlert is a keycard (similar to a hotel room key) that has a single button and tracking capability. If there is a non-active shooter emergency (injured or sick student, etc.), an employee can push the button three times, in which the office will receive the alert and location coordinates, and respond accordingly. If there is an active shooter event, the employee can press the keycard eight times or more (yes that’s right eight times, to prevent confusion or false alarms) and this will send the cavalry and depending on protocol, trigger a lockdown.

Let’s take it one step further. CrisisAlert also comes with audio & visual notification features. This facility-wide alert, communicates emergency information using colored strobe lights, desktop alerts and intercom integration. Installing the system requires no alterations to physical structures or electrical wiring required. Therefore, you can be up and running faster than you may think!

So yes, there is hope in the world… of school security – it is called CrisisAlert by Centegix. And its not just school security they provide a safer place, they also cover hospitality, healthcare, and commercial businesses. Should you have further questions, interested in a demo, or want more information, vTECH io is here to help take you to the next level of security with CrisisAlert. Contact our Education Solutions representative for a demo.

By Jens Buff