Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

The key is ensuring that it follows an IT project path deployed and maintained by knowledgeable professionals. Our VM is housed on a centralized server in our secure data center, giving you optimal performance and security.

Why vTECH io?



Are you looking to reduce maintenance times, manage applications more easily, and enhance the security of your data?

Consider hosting your desktop operating system (OS) within a Virtual Machine (VM). At vTECH io, we offer VDI—a server-based computing service so reliable, we use it ourselves!

Discover vTECH io's Global Virtual Desktop Infrastructure


Virtual Desktop Computing

VDI can be hosted both on or off premise. However, there is a catch: since VDI changes the way desktops are delivered to users, it is dependent on an IT project path that is lined with potential pitfalls, such as:

Defining VDI use cases improperly

Not properly optimizing the desktop image

Not developing an application deployment strategy

vTECH io “eats their own dogfood” and have operated their internal infrastructure using VDI for the last eight years… they might be on to something?

How Do I Get Started?

– Contact Us!
– Get a Quote and Proposal
– Schedule Work
– Deploy and Install

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Tech Support Ready!

Turn to vTECH io to navigate the how, why, and determine if Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is right for you.

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