The new year launches an era of incredible business transformation. The shift from on-premise to the cloud is projected to be a significant technology trend this year. Hybrid and multicloud have a large number of benefits, making them popular initiatives for businesses and organizations seeking to transition their business digitally. 


Many companies have a physical infrastructure of servers, routers, etc. On-prem infrastructure provides companies with direct control of security, costs, and management. This allows for more control and independence. Additionally, many industries require specific data security compliance rules that they need to adhere to. Governments, medical facilities, and other companies and organizations with sensitive data have to conform to specific regulations on where and how they store this data. An on-prem infrastructure would allow them to meet those regulations. 


On the other hand, cloud computing is a way for people to use infrastructure and applications through the internet as opposed to installing them on-site. This is hosted by a remote data center managed by a cloud service provider, often through a subscription model. Renting a server from a cloud provider can decrease the costs of maintenance and increase scalability. Now, many companies are updating legacy applications and building new ones to optimize cloud-native technologies.


Many businesses are moving to a hybrid multicloud platform that marries on-prem infrastructure with more than one public cloud server. Hybrid and multicloud can be used together or separately depending on a company’s size and needs. However, a claim can be made that using a hybrid multicloud platform would give the modern business or organization a competitive advantage. 

What is Hybrid Cloud? 

Hybrid cloud platforms use a public cloud and a private cloud with on-prem infrastructure.  A private cloud is a cloud designated to one organization. This can be hosted by the organization on-site or a third-party service. It provides the security of an on-prem infrastructure with the benefits of cloud computing. A public cloud is a platform that is owned by a third-party service like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. It is accessed via the internet and shared by other organizations. It is often used for web-based emails, office applications, and storage. 


Using a hybrid cloud allows for data and applications to move between the public and private cloud environments. This results in a unified distributed computing environment, allowing scalability for legacy and cloud-native workloads. This initiative is great for companies and organizations that have to consider security and regulatory compliance. Companies can use the private cloud for sensitive data and regulated workloads and the less expensive public cloud for everything else.


A hybrid cloud model enables scalability by using public cloud computing and storage to respond to unplanned spikes in traffic. This keeps the extra traffic from impacting the private cloud. This model also makes it easier to adopt new software-as-a-service solutions and integrate them into current applications. Another benefit of the hybrid cloud is improving user experiences with legacy applications by using public cloud services. Other benefits include better efficiency and improved regulatory compliance and security.


The benefits of hybrid cloud computing make it easy to see how this has become a trending technology. It is a great place to start for businesses that are transforming digitally for smooth data migration before a full-scale shift. The hybrid cloud is ideal for the enterprise looking for more flexibility, efficiency, and optimization.

What is Multicloud? 

A multicloud platform is the use of two or more public clouds. The beauty of a multicloud platform is it can be deployed across data centers internationally, making it an ideal technology for scaling. This can also be beneficial for businesses that have remote workers across the world. They can access applications without being on-site. Additionally, companies have the same applications on different clouds which means if one cloud service goes down, employees can carry on working from the other cloud. 


Multucloud can be used to optimize services depending on business or organization needs. Each public server may excel in a specific service and a business can use the best capabilities from each server, optimizing its performance. This also offers flexibility in choosing the right public cloud service provider based on price, security compliances, location, etc. Multicloud also enables the user to easily adopt new and better technologies from vendors as they merge or as needed. 


Many businesses and organizations that use multicloud have a multicloud management platform that helps manage any challenges that may come up from multiple clouds. Multicloud provides a lot of benefits but combined with a hybrid cloud, businesses and organizations could achieve greater efficiency and optimization. 

Implementing a Hybrid Multicloud Platform 

The benefits of multicloud compound with the benefits of hybrid cloud, making it an ideal duo. Businesses and organizations can take advantage of the great benefits of both platforms, increasing their security, optimizing applications, decreasing costs of on-prem infrastructure management, and increasing flexibility and deployment. 


Implementing both cloud initiatives is a great way to transition your business digitally. It is vital making sure that the current infrastructure can support integration. The best way to ensure compatibility is to partner with experts who can help your business or organization move from on-prem to hybrid multicloud. 


vTECH io has a group of engineers who can come in and evaluate your current infrastructure to help create a custom plan to move you from on-prem to the cloud. To partner with one of our expert engineers, all you have to do is click here. Taking advantage of all cloud computing has to offer the enterprise is a great way to gain a competitive advantage in 2023.