Bringing Tech to Life: Megan Hicks

Bringing Tech to Life: Megan Hicks

In the fast-paced realm of sales, where charisma meets strategy, a new star has emerged. Meet Megan Hicks, the dynamic force with her unique blend of tenacity, innovation, and a keen understanding of client needs. As we delve into her journey, it’s clear that...
Bringing Tech to Life: Chris Kitson

Bringing Tech to Life: Chris Kitson

Life, with its intricate tapestry of experiences, often unveils itself in unexpected turns, leading us down paths we could never have foreseen. Each twist and curve in the road becomes a chapter in our narrative, shaping our character and influencing the stories we...
Bringing Tech to Life: Chris McDaniel

Bringing Tech to Life: Chris McDaniel

Being an integral part of a team has been a resounding theme from the Petersons and vTECH io as a whole. In this collaborative environment, there are indispensable individuals who embody the spirit of leadership and teamwork, and one such key figure is Chris McDaniel....